Sunday, September 20, 2009

And yes it rained!

Well as predicted yesterday, today was a wash out. It looks like it rained all night and it's been off and on all day today. Our normally sunny island is now nothing but a soggy piece of volcanic rock.

The good thing about all this is that tomorrow will see lots of green shoots (more than we can say for the economy), the hills will be bright green and the air will be fresh instead of the heavy muggy feel it has had over the last couple of days.

Although Tenerife does have some 'pretty bits', the south can look very dull and brown during the summer months. After a good lashing of rain the difference is remarkable. We then have a few weeks of beautiful weather and lush greenery to accompany it.

Tomorrow it will be back to the grind - for me at least. Hubby is on the sick, motorbike accident nearly two years ago, still having therapy. Teenager will still be trying to get himself on some course or other. Middleist will be catching the school bus at 07:30 and Littleist will of course be asking yet again why he has to get dressed for school as he has already explained to us that he has quit!

Working in the estate agent business as you can imagine is not too exciting at the moment especially as we 'appeal' to the UK market. Nobody coming on holiday and those that are here are on a tight budget, no spare spondoolies to spend. Oh well at least I still have a job (for the moment that is) so best turn up for it! Lets hope this week is a little more interesting........

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