Saturday, September 19, 2009

Out of the mouth of Littleist

Kids are so funny sometimes aren't they? Well my Littleist surely is, he comes out with some cracking comments (he's just 6 by the way). I wish I had noted them down over the years because some of them have been absolutely hilarious.

Well from now on I'm going to list some .................

Tuesday (2nd day back at school after extremely long summer holiday)
Dad: Come on son, time to get dressed
Littleist: Why where am I going?
Dad: School of course
Littleist: But I went yesterday!
Dad: Yes son I know but you have to go today as well
Littleist: Well I'm not going - I QUIT!

Littleist: I'm going to the toilet mummy
Mum: Ok give me a shout if you need any help
A few mins later......
Littleist: Urrrr, Arrghhhh, Urrr, Arrhhhh
Mum: You Ok in there?
Littleist: Arrrrrghhhhh, I think I'm having a baby!

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