Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why I started my blog - you might well ask!

So why did I start my blog?

Firstly I do like to write, not very well I will admit but I thought it was a good way to start putting down my thoughts as I never seem to get round to doing it on paper. That and inspired by Traction man I thought it would also improve my computer skills. I only use word, excel and email at work so not much of a computer geek to say the least.

Anyway I was looking at ways of improving my page when I found the Adsense button. Now, not that I think I will get any visitors and therefore make loads of dosh, I thought it another tool to try and add successfully which, I may say I did. Adsense they said would post advertisements relevant to the content of my page which, being about your average ex-pat family living in Tenerife meant (I thought) ads about renting / living / holidays in Tenerife. Imagine my horror then when I logged in to add a new post and found a humungus blue banner with the link plastered all over it! I mean what the hell has that got to do with living in Tenerife? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a religious phobic, I'm just not religious and furthermore I feel that to post religious (if you can call Scientology a religion) or even political adverts on peoples blogs without knowing their beliefs is just wrong. If any of my friends or family had seen that on my blog they would have thought that I had gone nuts or else been carted off to any one of the hundreds of caves on the island to be brainwashed or indoctrinated into some sudo faith! Needless to say I have now cancelled the Adsense account as they obviously don't have any sense at all.

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